Stigma or Fear?

by Dr. Lenore TinicsMay 30, 2024

People are often taunted with “What are you afraid of?” “Try it”. That could pertain to eating a ghost pepper, seeking medical marijuana, or something totally different. You can use your creative mind to fill in that blank. When it comes to seeking psychological services, it is a different story. Why does it have to be seen in a negative way? Did you ever wonder?

People seek out lawn care services, grocery shopping services, specialized doctor services or even dry-cleaning services. Why is it okay to have those specialty services? Psychological services are just a way to clean your mind of unwanted or clogging useless junk or putting it into better order. Just like you would have someone clean your house. If you’re worried about what someone else might think you may be a candidate for psychological services.

It is not certain when it became a negative to seek psychological services but it is time to change the perception. Seeking help to declutter your mind is a courageous thing to do. You are not seen as a failure but someone that is smart enough to ask for help with something that you are not familiar with. Like calling a plumber when your toilet gets clogged often. You do not have to lay on a couch and talk about your childhood but you may need a little help getting over the loss of a loved one, talk about why you always feel stressed, or why you are not easing into retirement with grace. There is a wide range of things that a mental health professional can help with. The thought should not be seen as negative but viewed as research to see if you can be helped with something.

When seeking psychological services there are a variety of professionals that can help and ways of determining the best type of help that you could benefit from. Help is available to people of all ages. Help can be provided in different forms including focused assessments to determine an issue that you need help with and different forms of therapies. There is a variety of ways available to provide help because each person is viewed as an individual. The best part is, you work with the professional to determine the best way that will help you.

What have you got to lose? Give it a try!

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